Around Bolsover

This page shows the campaigns I am involved in around Bolsover Town. If you would like to know more details about any of these campaigns please do not hesitate to email me on

Bolsover Town Centre Regeneration

Bolsover’s high street looks a bit unloved but has huge potential. I support regeneration of the town centre including public realm improvements, repurposing of abandoned buildings, greater accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, and greater community space for events, to support our brilliant local shops to attract tourists. Read more about my campaign here:… and £15 Million in Levelling up Funding for BOLSOVER

Sixth Form for Bolsover

As MP for Bolsover I am concerned that we have no post-16 education in the entire constituency. It would be hugely beneficial if we can establish a Sixth Form at The Bolsover School so we can give local kids the best possible start in life. Read more about my campaign here:

Development of the Former Coalite Site

I am working with Derbyshire County Council, Bolsover District Council, D2N2, and the developers to help attract high paid, skilled and sustainable jobs to the constituency. Also working to lift the safeguarding in place along the former HS2 Phase 2b route to allow further development on the site. 

Oxcroft Colliery 

My grandad was a miner and I understand the significance of respecting our heritage as a former mining area. This is why I support a project on behalf of a constituent who would like to see a small memorial at the entrance to the old Oxcroft Colliery site. These brave men whose hardship and graft fuelled the nation should never be forgotten.


Bolsover Dentist Update - Register your interest

Great news today as the contact form for the new Treeline Dental Practice in Bolsover is now live!

Those wanting to express their interest in being treated at the practice should complete the form found online at

MP continues campaign to regenerate Bolsover Town centre

I  have held various meetings to discuss improvements to Bolsover Town centre. I was extremely disappointed earlier this year when Bolsover District Council's Levelling-Up Fund (LUF) bid was rejected, but I remain absolutely determined that we will deliver for local residents.

Disappointment as Bolsover District Council's Levelling-Up Bid fails

As many of you have already read the Levelling-Up Fund bid by Bolsover District Council for the regeneration of Bolsover Town centre was, unfortunately, unsuccessful. I understand the bid may not have fully met the criteria although I look forward to reviewing DHLUC's feedback in coming weeks.

Remembrance Sunday

It was an honour to take part in the Remembrance Day parade in Bolsover this morning to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph in remembrance of all those who gave so much. Thank you to everyone for attending, it was lovely to see so many from our community come to pay their respects.