Around Whitwell and Creswell

Darfoulds Bridge

Residents of Whitwell have suffered for decades due to traffic cutting through their village. I am working with local councillors, Derbyshire County Council, and Network Rail to lower the road under the bridge and allow HGV access to Worksop. To read more about this campaign please visit:

World Heritage Status for Creswell Crags

Bolsover is a beautiful rural constituency with huge tourism potential. I am working with Creswell Heritage Trust and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, to support the Creswell Crags in its application to be listed as a World Heritage Site. This status would help it become one of the leading visitor attractions in the East Midlands and UK.

Creswell Doctor’s Surgery

I understand the importance of being able to see a GP quickly and having all the necessary services on site. Therefore, I am supporting the local NHS to build a new, modern, and 21st century GP surgery to serve the village.

Whitwell Colliery

I will work with Bolsover District Council to regenerate the former colliery to encourage employment, build affordable housing, and to explore the exciting prospect of a mine water energy scheme.

Elmton to Creswell Cyclepath/Walkway 

I think it would be wonderful if we could link up our local communities and last year I wrote to Derbyshire County Council requesting a cycle link between Creswell and Elmton, but it was unfortunately declined. I would still love to see this project go ahead and am continue to explore other option to potentially fund this project. 





See Also


​Hodthorpe Housing Update ​


I know that a number of local residents are concerned for the impact of the new housing estate near the school, especially the entrance of the site leading onto Queens Road.

Mark meets key stakeholders about Darfoulds Bridge

I have just met with Network Rail and Derbyshire County Council regarding Darfoulds Bridge.

There are some design negotiations still to take place and maintenance checks on the bridge’s structure before a finalised detailed design can be confirmed.

Mark meets Network Rail to discuss Darfoulds Bridge

Earlier this week, I met with senior officers at Network Rail to discuss Darfoulds Bridge. I am determined to deliver this project and ensure residents in Whitwell no longer have to suffer from HGV traffic through the village.

Creswell Crags Jackdaws on BBC's Winterwatch

Did you see Creswell Crags on last night's BBC Winterwatch? 

Jack Baddams visted in December with the incredible Nadeem to see the swathe of resident jackdaws.

Mark visits Creswell Schools

I am extremely proud of all the schools in our constituency and I absolutely love visiting and hearing of the brilliant work that is going on.

Mark visits Whitwell Primary School

I had a great visit to Whitwell Primary School today in the beautiful sunshine. The children were very polite and working really hard learning about computer programming, human geography, science experiments and there were all sorts of exciting things going on.

Lord Parkinson visits Creswell Crags

Yesterday I was very pleased to welcome the Minister for Arts, Lord Stephen Parkinson to our constituency. We first visited Creswell Crags.